Monday, January 19, 2009


It's Monday, Jan. 19 the day before the inauguration of Barack Obama. More money will be spent on this inauguration than ever before. That is historic. While he purports to want to diminish the carbon footprint of this country more carbon will be produced for this inauguration than ever before. That is historic. Watching media reporters fawn all over themselves about how wonderful everyone is being in Washington as they await this historic event is making me ill. No one is willing to stand up and saying anything against him for fear they will be called a racist, lose their job or be ostracized.

We have elected a man not on the content of his character, but on the color of his skin. Blacks all voted for his because they want to see a black man in the white house. Check youtube under "How Obama got elected" to verify this claim. Whites voted for him to relieve their white guilt and to make themselves feel like they are not racist. Others voted for him because they wanted to be on the bandwagon. Yet another segment of society who this country turned into a socialist country.

I didn't vote for him because I don't like his ideas. I could care less what color he is or isn't. He supports partial birth abortion. He supports the FOCA. He will select judges to the supreme court that will not overturn Roe v. Wade. He will spend more money than any other administration. He will create a huge underclass of people totally dependent on the government for their income. He will make us like western europe. God help us.