Sunday, March 22, 2009


Last night I dreamed the strangest dream ---- I had a dream early this morning that I was watching a political rally of some sort with Hillary Clinton at center stage. The disturbing part of this dream was that she was surrounded by US Congressmen who were all wearing a Hamas jihad scarf. It was an old clip and I was shouting to everyone that they were in Hamas scarves and no one listened or cared that they were wearing these scarves.

Dreams are strange. This is probably a combination of my frustration with the politicans and liberal voters in this country who do not see what is going on around them or acknowledge what this administration is doing to ravage this country. They all are turning a blind eye to what congress and Obama are doing. The Hamas scarves are probably from reading Debbie Schlessel's blog. Strange combination. Let's hope this particular dream does not come true.