Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Squaw Word

Got an email from a neighbor letting folks on the road know that there would be construction for the next few days. She called the road, "Squall Point" which is what the homeowner's association called Squaw Point Association has renamed the road. The town has renamed the road Defence Point. Another neighbor saw fit to chide neighbor No. 1 that we live on Defence point Road and not Squall Road and that would should not use offensive names. Of couse, I had to respond.

My email pointed out that North Korea threatening nuclear war, house foreclosures, and job losses were way more important than the name of this road which continunes to be Squaw Point Road on any map you find on the internet or in a GPS or any navagational map shows Squaw point as Squaw Point and Head. No one else in the world cares about the name of this road except ourselves, the town, and a few indians. The word Squaw is not commonly used in everyday conversation and probably has not since the 1900's or so. The Squaw Word was made an offensive word by a man in the 70's who wanted to be on Oprah. Well, he got on Oprah and made incorrect claims as to the meaning and origin of the word Squaw. If you google far enough you will find sites that refute his claims. It became a crusade and money maker for this man and I am sure for a few indians who were not getting enough attention.

The place will always be called Squaw Point even with it's name changed because it has always been. If you call 911 in Stockton Springs and tell them to come get you on Defence Point, they will reply "Where?" (this happened to one of the neighbors who then told them he was located on Squaw Point.) The name should never have been changed, but it has. It will always proudly be Squaw Point to me to remind me of the indian camps that pitched their tents there in the summer months to enjoy the cool breeze, good fishing and hunting and a fine dip in the ocean, just like the residents do now. Perhaps one day when my grandson, Maddox, who is part native american, comes to Maine we'll pitch a teepee on the spot where his ancestors did so long ago. I'm looking forward to it.

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